The Difrax newborn Pacifier meets your baby's sucking needs. This pacifier is symmetrical, which your baby will quickly recognise and accept easily. The nozzle of the teat has a round, convex shape making it ideal for babies who are able to turn the pacifier around in their mouth. The small sized shield and the breast nipple shaped teat have been specifically developed for new born and premature babies.
The unique pacifier has a butterfly shaped shield ensuring a perfect fit to your baby's face. The recess for the nose enables your baby to breathe freely through the nose. Two airy holes on each side provide additional airflow, preventing skin irritation.
Available in many fashionable colours and different sizes, Difrax pacifiers offer your baby comfort, consolation and relaxation.
Difrax advises to replace your baby pacifier every six weeks. Perform a daily check on the dummy by pulling firmly at the teat, to ensure that it remains undamaged.