Mom Talk - Bianca Klein

August 18, 2023

Bianca Klein knows a thing or two (or three) about work-life balance. For Women’s Month this year, we spoke to the 24-year-old mom of two about juggling parenting, work, what it means to be a woman in South Africa today, and, of course, her and her son’s favourite Sprout product – the Difrax S-Bottle. 


Bianca, tell us a bit about yourself, your family, and your work.

I’m a Somatologist (aesthetic therapist), content creator, and, of course, mom of two. My family is honestly the best little team I could ever have asked for. My partner and I have two beautiful kids together – Alyssa (3) and Kayde (1).

When I found out I was pregnant with my daughter, we decided it would be best for me to stay home, which worked out well because Covid hit South Africa just a few months later. I focused mainly on being a new mom, content creation, and starting my own business during this time. After nearly 4 years of being a stay-at-home mom, I decided to go back to work this year.

What does your daily schedule look like, and how do you stay motivated?

Every day of parenthood is different. Sometimes, trying to balance everything does get challenging. I’m a very organised person and love routine, but I’ve had to come to terms with just prioritising and doing only the most important tasks. That’s how the majority of my days go.

One thing I’ve realised about motherhood is that you sometimes need time to yourself. This can be for anything that motivates you, like self-care or to reset, mentally and physically. I try my best to make time for myself in the mornings before anyone else wakes up. I tell myself  “You can’t pour from an empty cup” whenever I need a break and the mom guilt kicks in.

What are some of your parenting low points and how did you navigate through them?

I truly believe that, as your baby grows up and goes through different stages, you need to adjust and grow with them. Sometimes that can be challenging.  

One of the biggest challenges I’ve faced was just becoming a mom of two. Yes, I was beyond excited, but in the beginning, I questioned myself and wondered whether both of my kids felt like they were getting enough of my time and attention. I remember my daughter got tonsillitis about a week after my son and I came home from the hospital. My partner was back at work at the time. It was very difficult trying to take care of a newborn and a sick toddler whilst still recovering from childbirth. Sometimes I wonder how I did it, but as a parent, you’ll do anything for the little people that depend on you.

Another challenge I faced was getting my son onto a bottle. I breastfed my daughter for 18 months and found it easy to wean her onto a bottle during my second pregnancy. However, my son was only 9 months old when I went back to work, and his transition was a bit harder. We tried several bottles and teats, but he only ever accepted the Difrax anti-colic S-Bottle

Going back to work has definitely been a challenge too, but managing my time properly has helped with the adjustment. And of course, I have a supportive partner and a good support system around me, which I’m extremely grateful for.

What does being a woman in South Africa and Women's Month mean to you personally?

Women are the backbone of our families and communities. We are gifted with the ability to bring another life into the world. To me, being a woman in South Africa means being strong, independent, and confident, and working hard at progressing so that things will be better for our children and future generations.

Will you share with us what your favourite Difrax product is and why?

It’s tough to choose only one. However, the anti-colic S-Bottle has always stood out for me. Not only because it helps reduce the amount of air my kids ingest, but also because it was so easy for my son to accept after 9 months of breastfeeding. We tried a wide variety of other bottles and teats but he only fully accepted the Difrax S-Bottle. I know a lot of moms that struggle with this same issue and I would highly recommend that they try this product – you can’t go wrong.