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Mom Talk - Jessie Buxton

February 10, 2022

Our first Mom Talk is with @just_another_manic_mom_day, Jessie Buxton, on her family life, journey as a working mom, and how Difrax has assisted with Jude’s tongue tie.

DIFRAX: How has Difrax assisted Jude?

JESSIE: Initially I was exclusively breastfeeding Jude. Supplementing a feed with a bottle so early after birth had never been part of my plan but when we discovered Jude’s tongue tie and saw how he battled to breastfeed, we had to find an alternative solution while we waited to sort out his tongue tie. Thankfully Difrax sent us a bottle, so we gave it a try and WOW, it lives up to its promises. Jude’s tongue tie caused him to swallow too much air when he breastfed and, paired with my fast flow, it ended up giving him huge digestive discomfort. The Difrax anti-colic S-bottle was such a welcomed relief for him. He could drink much slower and no air got in the way. He drank so much better with this bottle and became a much happier bub!

DIFRAX: Tell us a bit about your family.

JESSIE: My husband, Lyle, and I have been married for almost 5 years now. He stalked me on Facebook through a mutual friend and after making sure he wasn’t a creep, the rest is history! Lyle is an actor, singer and teacher and I’m a recruitment specialist who works from home.

We had our daughter, Lucy, in 2019. Shortly after, when I was meant to go back to work in the office, Covid hit, and so I started working from home while trying to stimulate Lucy and help her grow and develop as best as she could. It was then that I became a big fan of affordable home play ideas, which I share on my Instagram page. Lucy is two and a half now and has started going to day care, which she absolutely loves. Sometimes she even cries when I pick her up to come home. She is quite the character and an absolute ball of silly energy, making us laugh every day.

In November 2021 we had our son, Jude. I had a successful vaginal birth after caesarean (VBAC) with him, which I am so proud of and now I’m a huge advocate for natural birth. The female body is so amazing!

Right now our life feels like utter chaos on some days, learning how to balance life with two kids. Ten weeks in and we are finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel and we are in absolute love with our little family.

DIFRAX: From your experience as a mom of two, what advice do you have for new moms out there?

JESSIE: Becoming a Mom is absolutely beautiful and rewarding. From the milestones they reach to the special memories you get to create as a family, it’s the most fulfilling journey ever. However, it can also feel like the toughest journey at times. The chaos it brings can be overwhelming, but my best advice would be to embrace the chaos instead of fight against it. You will never be able to control it all, especially once they reach toddler years! I think a lot of parents try to hide the fact that parenthood is chaotic, maybe because they feel as if they’re failing. If there is one thing I hope you take away from reading this, it is that chaos in parenthood is absolutely NORMAL!


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